"OLYMPIC MOTHER" is the mother of "OLYMPIC MARTIN", olympic pigeon in Brussels 2017.
She is a sister of "OLYMPIADE 008" and comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers. "BEST MOTHER EVER" is a daughter of "DEN EURO" from Leo Heremans.
"OLYMPIADE 008" has won:
- olympic pigeon category G Budapest and 5th best yearling of the world!
1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 13th
NL-2799 was bred by "DEN 444" x "BLAUWE KAMPIOENTJE".
"DEN 444" has won 7times a 1st price and was 2nd nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina, 5th nat. ace pigeon "De Reiseduif". "DEN 444" is also father of "DE JAN" (6times 1st price).
"BLAUWE KAMPIOENTJE" was top breeding hen of Leo Herrmanns and she is mother of several ace pigeons, e.g. of "DE JAN".
NL-5099 comes from the couple "DEN EURO" x "FINETTE".
"DEN EURO" was 1st west european ace pigeon up to 400 km in all categories, 1st nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina,1. nat. ace pigeon De Reisduif and has won 1st/2687, 1st/2516, 2nd/4924, 4th/2120, 8th/1683, 2nd/360, 21th/3392, 29th/4232
"FINETTE" was olympic pigeon 2009 and has won 1st NPO (554 km) vs. 5330 pigeons, 3rd NPO (466 km) vs. 4132 pigeons, 2nd vs. 1819 pigeons, 7th vs. 1109 pigeons.
B-6364 is a daughter of "NIEUWE ROSSI" x "EENOOGSKE".
"NIEUWE ROSSI" is a son of "ROSSI" and has won 1st Noyon vs. 779 pigeons, 7th Noyon vs. 509 pigeons. He is fullbrother of "ERNESTO", "FLORIS" & "FINA". "ROSSI" is father of 578/05 & 579/05 from W. de Bruyn. He is also father of "ERNESTO" 305/06 from Eijerkamp & Sons.
"EENOOGSKE" is a sister of "DONKER ASKE", 2nd ace pigeon yearlings Hafo Turnhout '05 and 3rd nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina 2005 half distance.
B-9897 is a daughter of the pair "JAN ROEPER" x "KIM".
"JAN ROEPER" comes from the couple "JAN" x "NATALIA". "DE JAN" has won 6times a first price and was 1st nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina 2002, 2nd nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina 2003. "NATALIA" was 1st ace pigeon long distance yearlings Union Antwerpen 2004. 10. nat. ace pigeon long distance KBDB 2005.
"KIM" is a daughter of "OLYMPIADE 003" and mother of the 1st nat. olympic pigeon Nitra 2013 category allround and 2nd nat. ace pigeon 2012 BRD from Wolfgang Roeper.
B-9898 is a daughter of the pair "JAN ROEPER" x "KIM".
"JAN ROEPER" comes from the couple "JAN" x "NATALIA". "DE JAN" has won 6times a first price and was 1st nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina 2002, 2nd nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina 2003. "NATALIA" was 1st ace pigeon long distance yearlings Union Antwerpen 2004. 10. nat. ace pigeon long distance KBDB 2005.
"KIM" is a daughter of "OLYMPIADE 003" and mother of the 1st nat. olympic pigeon Nitra 2013 category allround and 2nd nat. ace pigeon 2012 BRD from Wolfgang Roeper.
4337 comes from the pair "THE POWER FATHER" (son "DE POWER" from Leo Heremans) x "KANNIBAALCHEN" (granddaughter "RAMBO" & "KANNIBAAL").
She has won 4th nat. championship yearlings 2011 and has won 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 10th, 12th,12th price. She is nest sister of 4338 (male), "THE POWER", 3rd best youngster union with 4th, 9th, 11th, 21st, 49th price, best regional racing cock 2011, 13/13 prices, 1129 ace points.
1483 has won 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 7th, 8th, 8th, 9th price and comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". She is fullsister of "OLYMPIADE 008". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers, e.g.:
- "OLYMPIADE 008", olympic pigeon category G Budapest, 5th best yearling in the world! 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd., 5th, 5th, 9th., 10th, 13th
- 2263 female, best pigeon in union 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 11th
- 2055 female, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th
331 is bred by "DE VERKEHRTE" x daughter "WONDER VON HACHT" & "1000".
"DE VERKEHRTE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and is top breeder in the breeding loft of SG Hagedorn-Becker. Her mother comes from the super breeding couple of SG Sander "WONDER VAN HACHT" (son "KLEINE DIRK", Koopman) x "1000" ("EUROSTAR" x daughter "WITTENBUIK").
2055 comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". She is fullsister of "OLYMPIADE 008". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers, e.g.:
- "OLYMPIADE 008", olympic pigeon category G Budapest, 5th best yearling in the world! 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd., 5th, 5th, 9th., 10th, 13th
- 2263 female, best pigeon in union 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 11th
- 2055 female, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th
2263 comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". She is fullsister of "OLYMPIADE 008". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers, e.g.:
- "OLYMPIADE 008", olympic pigeon category G Budapest, 5th best yearling in the world! 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd., 5th, 5th, 9th., 10th, 13th
- 2263 female, best pigeon in union 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 11th
- 2055 female, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th
3366 comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". She is fullsister of "OLYMPIADE 008". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers, e.g.:
- "OLYMPIADE 008", olympic pigeon category G Budapest, 5th best yearling in the world! 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd., 5th, 5th, 9th., 10th, 13th
- 2263 female, best pigeon in union 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 11th
- 2055 female, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th
3008 comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers. "BEST MOTHER EVER" is a daughter of "DEN EURO" from Leo Heremans.
"OLYMPIADE 008" has won:
- olympic pigeon category G Budapest
- 5th best yearling of the world!
- 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 13th
Several sister and brother of "OLYMPIADE 008" are top racers and ace pigeons..
4391 comes from the wonder pair "THE CLONE" x "BEST MOTHER EVER". She is fullsister of "OLYMPIADE 008". "THE CLONE" is a son of "OLYMPIADE 003" and father of several top racers, e.g.:
- "OLYMPIADE 008", olympic pigeon category G Budapest, 5th best yearling in the world! 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd., 5th, 5th, 9th., 10th, 13th
- 2263 female, best pigeon in union 1st, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 11th
- 2055 female, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th
B-2623 is a daughter of the pairing "DI CAPRIO" x "BLAUW SUPERKE" (granddaughter "KANNIBAAL").
"DI CAPRIO" was super breeder from Dirk van Dyck. He is father of 1st, 1st,1st, 1st, 1st, 1st price winner and 6th nat. ace pigeon LCB 2011. He is also father of "OLYMPIC NIELS", Olympic pigeon Nitra 2013 & 5th nat. ace pigeon KBDB 2011.
"BLAUW SUPERKE" is granddaughter of "KANNIBAAL", 1st nat. ace pigeon 1996. He has won 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2st, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd price. His full brother "BOURGES" has won 19th nat. Bourges vs. 10.049 pigeons.
B-1456 is a daughter of "OLYMPIC NIELS". He was paired with "MRS. VERCAMMEN" from Jos Vercammen.
"OLYMPIC NIELS" is a top pigeon from Dirk van Dyck. He was olympic pigeon Nitra 2013 & 5th nat. ace pigeon KBDB 2011.
"MRS. VERCAMMEN" is a halfsister of "PORTO", 4th nat. ace pigeon, and a halfsister of "TIBO", 1st against 11.313 p. and of "MAMBO", 14th against 21.092 p.
3205 comes from a son of "De Verkehrte" from SG Hagedorn-Becker x daughter "OLYMPIA DUIVIN" from Stickers-Dockers. She has won several top racing results:
1st RegV 5923 p., st. RegV 4193 p., 1st RV 1073 p., 1st RV 1062 p., 1st RV 996 p., 1st RV 775 p., 2nd RV p1 Tb., 3rd RegV 6977 p., 5th RegV 5705 p., 5th RV 697 p., 6th RegV 4243 p., 10th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, usw.
2014: 10/11 prices with1st,1st,1st,10th,11th..., sister of 13-3023, 2nd ace pigeon youngsters RV Oelde, 16th, 31th, 43th, 57th price against around 1100 pigeons.
NL-7700 comes directly from "DEN EURO" x "LEANNE".
"DEN EURO" was 1. westeurop. ace pigeon up to 400 km in all categories, 1. nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina,1. nat. ace pigeon De Reisduif and has won 1st/2687, 1st/2516, 2nd/4924, 4th/2120, 8th/1683, 2nd/360, 21th/3392, 29th/4232
"LEANNE" is a daughter of "HERACLES", 2. nat. reserve olympic pigeon Nitra, 1st 1.368 p., 1st 1.592 p., 2nd gg. 5.835 p., 6th gg. p., 7th 8.663 p.
NL-4838 is a daughter of "NIEUWE OLYMPIADE" x daughter "DEN EURO".
"NIEUWE OLYMPIADE" was bought for 210.000 € from Eijerkamp. he was 2nd olympic pigeon category F Poznan; 1st Quievrain 2460 p., 2nd Quievrain, 790 p., 3rf Quievrain 2073 p.
"DEN EURO" was 1st westeurop. ace pigeon up to 400 km in all categories, 1st nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina,1st nat. ace pigeon De Reisduif and has won 1st/2687, 1st/2516, 2nd/4924, 4th/2120, 8th/1683, 2nd/360, 21th/3392, 29th/4232
NL-4974 is a daughter of "NIEUWE OLYMPIADE" x daughter "DEN EURO".
"NIEUWE OLYMPIADE" was bought for 210.000 € from Eijerkamp. he was 2nd olympic pigeon category F Poznan; 1st Quievrain 2460 p., 2nd Quievrain, 790 p., 3rf Quievrain 2073 p.
"DEN EURO" was 1st westeurop. ace pigeon up to 400 km in all categories, 1st nat. ace pigeon Ave Regina,1st nat. ace pigeon De Reisduif and has won 1st/2687, 1st/2516, 2nd/4924, 4th/2120, 8th/1683, 2nd/360, 21th/3392, 29th/4232